External surface of the ilium between the anterior and posterior gluteal lines. If you feel your hip crest and go just inferiorly, you should feel the Glute Med.
Lateral surface of the greater trochanter of the femur. The widest part of you hips, where the bone proturdes is your greater trochanter.
Abduction of the hip and stabilization of the pelvis. Flexion, internal rotation is the job of the front part, and extension and external rotation is the job of the back part.
In the picture on the right you can see the “X’s.” These mark the areas where trigger points can be located. The red stippled area is the area where pain can be referred. This muscle can cause hip pain, glute pain, thigh pain, knee pain, and calf pain.
One of the most underperforming structures in the hip area, this muscle wreaks havoc on RUNNERS, TRIATHLETES, and any other LINEAR athlete. Linear athletes rarely challenge their lateral stabilizing structures because they only move in a straight line forward. When these muscles weaken, the kinetic chain breaks down and most commonly results in knee pain. Associated structures are the other glute stabilizers, QL in the low back and peronei of the calf. If any of this sounds familiar it may be worth a trip to the office to have the muscle tested!