The “Weakly” Muscle – The Pronator Teres

ORIGIN: Medial epicondyle of the humerus, coronoid process of the ulna, and the common flexor tendon. INSERTION: Lateral radius distal to the insertion of the supinator muscle. ACTION: Weak flexion of the elbow joint, pronation of the forearm. Pronation is a rotation movement where if your right elbow is bent to 90 degrees with elbow …


Medial epicondyle of the humerus, coronoid process of the ulna, and the common flexor tendon.


Lateral radius distal to the insertion of the supinator muscle.


Weak flexion of the elbow joint, pronation of the forearm. Pronation is a rotation movement where if your right elbow is bent to 90 degrees with elbow at your side and your palm is facing upwards like carrying a tray, you spin your palm downward.


Trigger points in the Pronator Teres can refer pain to the red stippled area in the picture.


Here is why we find the Pronator Teres interesting. The median nerve often pierces the Pronat
or Teres which can result in a Median Neuropathy. This means that patients who believe they have carpal tunnel syndrome, often have a nerve that is being trapped, but not in the carpal tunnel (wrist). The muscle, which is tight, chokes
the median nerve causing symptoms that mimic a carpal tunnel syndrome exactly. Patients who overuse their forearm flexors, which are your gripping muscles, are prone to this particular condition. Based on its origin we also see some types of medial epicondylosis, also known as Golfer’s Elbow. Even though this is a small muscle it has the potential to cause debilitating symptoms. If any of these words resonate with you, get yourself checked!

Dr Marc Taczanowski


Dr. Marc Taczanowski specializes in Sports Medicine, chiropractic care, injury prevention and management. He has published many articles on these topics and lectures to local running groups, and athletic organizations in an effort to educate the sports community.