Vertigo chiropractor in Smithtown NY
Chiropractor for Vertigo
One of the many issues our chiropractors can help with is vertigo, a condition that many people experience at least once in their lifetime. Although vertigo can have several triggers, one of common yet often overlooked causes is muscular or osseous imbalance in the neck. This type of vertigo can be treated with effective therapeutics exercises and cervical adjustment that can be performed by True Sport Care’s vertigo chiropractors in Smithtown, New York.
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What is Vertigo?
Put simply, vertigo is a condition that makes a person feel as though they or their surroundings are moving around them when they are really not. There are several types of vertigo, but the two most common ones are benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and cervicogenic vertigo. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the result of crystals being dislodged in the semicircular canals of the inner ear. Dislodged crystals in the inner ear can occasionally make contact with sensors in the ear, positional change is indicated to the nervous system, making a person feel as though they are moving when they are really not. Vertigo caused by these calcium crystals is referred to as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).
On the other hand, Cervicogenic vertigo is frequently caused by musculoskeletal imbalance, usually involving the SCM (sternocleidomastoid) muscle, or osseous dysfunction (cervical vertebrae being out of alignment.) If one SCM is weaker than the other, an imbalance will occur in the neck, which can lead to vertigo. However, cervicogenic vertigo is often falsely diagnosed as being crystal-related.

Symptoms of Vertigo
If your vertigo is caused by muscular imbalances in the neck then your symptoms can span beyond dizziness. Any muscular imbalances in the body can cause issues like aches and pains, but the SCM muscle specifically can cause even more discomfort, including:
- Problem focusing the eye
- Balance issues
- Headaches
- Migraines
- A constant neck ache
- Ear pain
- A clogged ear sensation (Like you’re underwater)
- Nausea and vomiting, leading to loss of body fluids.
Treatment for Vertigo
Our chiropractors first perform a thorough analysis to identify any muscular imbalances. Equipped with this information, we can use soft tissue techniques to release overused exercises and teach the patient how to strengthen the underused ones. We also know that a cervical manipulation is indicated, however many patients are hesitant about getting their neck adjusted. In these cases we are happy to see how they respond without any manipulation.
How Soon Does Vertigo Treatment Take Effect?
A significant contributor to neck pain is poor posture, often exacerbated by prolonged computer use and the increasing prevalence of "text-neck" among younger individuals. These habits can lead to conditions such as disc issues or nonspecific neck pain. Often part of a larger syndrome called Upper Crossed Syndrome, this condition is characterized by weak deep neck flexors and scapular stabilizers, along with tight sternocleidomastoid (SCM) muscles and suboccipitals. It results from prolonged periods of poor posture, particularly from computer work and excessive smartphone use.
At-Home Test to See if Your Vertigo is Caused by Muscular Imbalances
Try the following exercise to see if your vertigo can be helped by the treatment offered at True Sport Care and Chiropractic on Long Island.
- Lying in bed in the supine position (face up), rotate your head to one side.
- Once you’re fully rotated, lift your head off of the pillow and hold for fifteen to twenty seconds. Make sure you are NOT clenching your jaw! Also make sure the movement is ONLY coming from the neck and you're not doing a quarter of a sit up.
- Remember how heavy the head feels. Then you can rest.
- Switch sides and repeat the same exact (mirror image) exercise and compare the weight of the head in both configurations. Remember to not clench or do that quarter sit up.
- If your head feels heavier in one direction, you have a weak SCM muscle. Perform an additional two sets of twenty to thirty seconds each on the weak side.
Our 3-Visit Promise
If we cannot figure out your discomfort in 3 visits, we will refer you out to someone else.
Vertigo Treatment in Smithtown, New York
True Sport Care’s chiropractors are skilled in treating cervicogenic vertigo and can provide you with effective treatment and long-term relief in just one or two appointments. If you are struggling with vertigo and believe it may be caused by muscles in the neck, schedule an appointment with us today to regain your health as soon as possible.
Vertigo is a mysterious condition. Even when you visit with a traditional MD, the diagnosis is a “best guess” type of situation. The reason we know we are a great office for your initial investigation into your vertigo complaint is because we don’t string patients along for months before realizing our limitation. We literally try one or two sessions and if that hasn’t done the trick, then you are free to investigate the other potential causes, i.e. crystals.
A cervical manipulation (adjustment) is indicated for vertigo, however many patients are hesitant about getting their neck adjusted. If you don’t feel comfortable having your neck adjusted then we will start with soft tissue work and therapeutic exercises. In many cases, this is sufficient to relieve the vertigo symptoms.
If the cause of your vertigo is cervicogenic then you will feel relief within 1 or 2 visits. If you are not feeling any improvement after 3 visits we will refer you to another professional to investigate other possible causes of vertigo.
Chiropractors can often help reduce or eliminate vertigo symptoms, particularly when the cause is related to cervicogenic vertigo - vertigo originating from the cervical spine - or muscular imbalances in the neck, such as issues with the SCM (sternocleidomastoid) muscle. Through targeted adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and specific exercises, chiropractors address the underlying musculoskeletal dysfunction contributing to vertigo. While not all types of vertigo can be resolved with chiropractic care, many patients experience significant relief within just a few visits. Specialized chiropractors at True Sport Care are a great FIRST step in figuring out your vertigo symptoms.